Friday, September 19, 2014

Top 10 Things Moms Daydream About but (almost) Never Happen

Hello there on this lovely Friday morning!  I am SO glad to see Friday this week.  It's been a little bit of a challenge for me!  It's easy to write about awesome things and positive things and when things are going greatly, but as I've struggled a little bit this week (as a mother and as a woman) I just wanted to give you all a little something to laugh at and hopefully relate to :)  I daydream so much.  That's probably why The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Scrubs are in my Top of All Time list.  So today I give you "The Things Moms Daydream About but (almost) Never Happen."

1.  Having clean clothes.

Far too much time spent praying just maybe one day a week we could go without evidence of cheesy fingers, partially chewed up foods, and serious snot being rubbed all over us.

2. Organizational Charts.

"That mom is so organized.  She really has it together.  I should make a chart.  That should get me closer to Mother-of-The-Year."  Come on moms, don't pretend you haven't wrote up a schedule or a chart for your family, and if you have, don't pretend that it ever lasted long-term. 

3. Cooking beautiful meals for your family.

Maybe a handful of times in a year's time... this goes as to plan, but more often than not, the meals are nothing commercial-worthy in appearance.

4. Family Vacations.

The planning!  The excitement! The looking forward to!  The time off work!  The quality time!  The bonding!  Cut to.... reality ^^^

5.  Getting up early to work out.

I work out almost every single day, BUT I'm still awaiting the day that I actually do it in the morning BEFORE the day starts.  You know.... that time I always set my alarm for. #nevaaaa

6.  Grocery shopping alone.

Who knew that the mini-vacation that is making a trip to WalMart without children would once be considered a sweet victory.  #luxuryyyyyyy

7.  Walking on debris-free floors.

And no, a Lego is NOT the only culprit.  Don't forget about Hot Wheels, action figures, and a crushed piece of Captain Crunch that sticks to your bare feet.

8.  Family Portraits.

The struggle is real to get the kind of photos you're dreaming about.  Try to consider how the future you will view these...

9.  Your children doing something after telling/asking them the FIRST TIME.

Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa.  That is all.

AND lastly....

10. Sleeping through the night.

Don't even try to play like you've never been there ^^^  YOU HAVE.  Truth is, your sleep will never EVER be the same.  We can still drift off wondering what it might be like though.

And there you have it.  Thanks for letting me share that.  Although I got a real kick out of putting this together, there's another truth in all of this.  These are the very things that light up our lives as parents and the things we will likely long for when our kids are grown.  Although the frustrations of parenting have gotten us down from time to time and will continue to do so throughout life, it's the little things like this that make life worth living, and I wouldn't change a second of it with my 2 handsome sweeties!!!!

Hope you enjoyed :)


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