Friday, September 26, 2014

Just Some Things

Friday...Friday.....FRIDAY!  So happy to see this week coming to an end.  Are you?  Even though every day can't be Friday, I wish we could wake up every morning with the feeling of Friday- just that joy, you know?  :)

Let's talk about a few different things to end this week.

1.)  I have become addicted to bicycling.  I don't really know if I can call it that, because I'm referring to a stationary bike... but holy cow!!!  I've found something I enjoy and am succeeding at.  My best time yet was 27 miles in 63 minutes, burning 780 calories.  Yowza, right?!  I was pretty stinking excited.  While I've been trying to implement some running in there also, it's just not as 'easy'.  No workouts I do are easy, but running is pretty challenging for me at this point.  The high impact is just so hard on my knees.  I know this will become easier as I get closer to my goal.  So for now, the bike has become my best option.  (At least for my hour-long cardio workouts at the gym.)  I've also been doing some weights here and there, which I also love!  That's just a little bit of what I've been up to as far as working out goes.  I must say though, sometimes when I get off the bike I can barely walk.  It is, to put it nicely, PAINFUL in certain AREAS :)  Yesterday I almost fell off when I dismounted!  Ha!

It went a  little something like this...

2.)  The end of September/beginning of October will bring a few exciting things in my world. (Yes, look at me, look at me!)  The last day of September will mark ONE YEAR that I quit smoking cigarettes!  Can't believe I can say that.  However, the part that is more strange for me to think about is the fact that I was ever a smoker to begin with.  What...a...SICKO!  I will definitely celebrate this one year anniversary!!!  The 1st of October will also mark my first... how do you say.... measuring of my progress.  A lot of people on a weight loss journey get very discouraged by the number on the scale and become obsessed with it.  In an effort to avoid that, I'm only weighing myself once a month.  Yikes!  So it's pretty exciting, those couple of days.  It's also nice to be looking forward to this for once instead of dreading it!  I really hope that any of you reading this that are doing anything similar will talk with me about it.  I'd love to discuss and compare with you all!  How are we to get through this journey in our lives if not with the love and support of each other??


3.)  Let's talk about the Fall Festival.  Well I guess the technical wording is the "Annual Fair Grove Heritage Reunion."  Actually, let's not talk about it.  I don't go, and I'd prefer not to drive everyone crazy in giving the reasons why.  I don't want to offend anyone.  I'm glad so many people enjoy it.  Maybe I'll go again someday like when we were kids, but as for now.... I'm sticking with:

And honestly, I'm surprised more people don't feel this way about it.  Maybe I'm being a Debbie Downer, but surely SOMEONE understands, LOL.

Well, I guess I talked about it.


To end on a positive note... fall is here.  The glorious predecessor to WINTER and all of its delight.  The air feels so lovely and it's bringing with it some wonderful things... and maybe even some wonderful people.  Being happy in your life TRULY is a CONSCIOUS decision, but when the weather is beautiful and people are so pleasant... isn't it just that much easier?? :)  So grateful for Fall in the Ozarks.  It's a beautiful thing!

Have a great weekend all... I know I'm really looking forward to mine!  ;)


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