Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hey Self, Welcome Back!

Hello and good morning! Welcome to my blog...kinda the same, kinda different than the last time. Some might remember when I started one last year, devoted to giving myself a year to lose 100 lbs. Well, that was just crazy talk, and it fizzled out way too quickly. It's been 10 months since my last post now, and my, my, my. How life has changed!! That is why I am writing now. I am feeling so inspired! So 'this time' things are different.  Still on a weightloss journey, but the focus is not the same. I'm not giving myself any kind of time frame.  I am trying to become healthy emotionally and mentally in addition the the physical change. The journey is more about falling in love with your own soul and the true essence of who you really are. Now that that has begun,  life is changing right before my eyes. That said, I also wanted to be able to write about being a single mother. It's the greatest gift every bestowed upon me. (I can say that now, after uncountable moments of thinking, "Lord, what were you thinking?" Lol!) I am incredibly excited to be able to share some life moments and hope that you will find some kind of common ground, inspiration, or at least get a good laugh. Thank you for reading this first post.  The people God has blessed me with in my life truly enrich it on a daily basis. So let this be a start to something new and positive. Praying that this will be a testimony to those I love. God bless, Friends :)

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