Tuesday, September 30, 2014

1-year Anniversary With Myself and October-time!

Most of you all know that today is the day.  One year since I quit smoking.  It's... kind of a big deal.  With so many family members that have smoked my entire life, it's something I swore I'd never do.  That outlook changed a little bit when I turned 18 and wild.  I can't believe I can now say that I smoked for 8 years!  The only time I truly quit was during each of my pregnancies.  It makes me sad that I did that to my body for so long!  BUT... at least it's over now, and my health is more in focus than it's ever been.  So, it's pretty exciting!!!  The app on my phone "Cessation Nation" has really been a blessing.  It not only tells me how much money I'm saving (approx. $1,000 per year!!!) but also shows the statistics of my health.  There are some things I won't arrive at for 10-15 years, such as risk for lung cancer and heart disease.  It won't be down to that of a person who has never smoked til I'm near 40!  So please.... STOP EFFIN SMOKING.  And if you feel like you should, EFFIN DON'T.  Okay?  Great, thanks.

Also, it is the last day of September, and I will be SO happy to see October.  My first reporting of my progress, my birthday will be coming up, Halloween, and mostly just waking up in a new month tomorrow morning will be pretty nice.  It's been a bit of an emotional past week and I'm looking forward to brushing all that off.  It's so nice to be able to deal with life-happenings in ways that aren't... toxic.  Sorry for being so vague, but I guess I just mean, the road to health is not just a physical one, and it feels good to have come this far, even if it's just the beginning.  So thank you all for your support lately.  Especially Shawna Girl who has been there SO MUCH , NO MATTER WHAT TIME OF DAY.  For letting me whine in countless texts, but still whipping my arse into shape.  Love ya bestie.

Can't wait to see what this next month brings!!!!!  I will be back here tomorrow with some *hopefully* pretty exciting progress!  So stay tuned :)


Friday, September 26, 2014

Just Some Things

Friday...Friday.....FRIDAY!  So happy to see this week coming to an end.  Are you?  Even though every day can't be Friday, I wish we could wake up every morning with the feeling of Friday- just that joy, you know?  :)

Let's talk about a few different things to end this week.

1.)  I have become addicted to bicycling.  I don't really know if I can call it that, because I'm referring to a stationary bike... but holy cow!!!  I've found something I enjoy and am succeeding at.  My best time yet was 27 miles in 63 minutes, burning 780 calories.  Yowza, right?!  I was pretty stinking excited.  While I've been trying to implement some running in there also, it's just not as 'easy'.  No workouts I do are easy, but running is pretty challenging for me at this point.  The high impact is just so hard on my knees.  I know this will become easier as I get closer to my goal.  So for now, the bike has become my best option.  (At least for my hour-long cardio workouts at the gym.)  I've also been doing some weights here and there, which I also love!  That's just a little bit of what I've been up to as far as working out goes.  I must say though, sometimes when I get off the bike I can barely walk.  It is, to put it nicely, PAINFUL in certain AREAS :)  Yesterday I almost fell off when I dismounted!  Ha!

It went a  little something like this...

2.)  The end of September/beginning of October will bring a few exciting things in my world. (Yes, look at me, look at me!)  The last day of September will mark ONE YEAR that I quit smoking cigarettes!  Can't believe I can say that.  However, the part that is more strange for me to think about is the fact that I was ever a smoker to begin with.  What...a...SICKO!  I will definitely celebrate this one year anniversary!!!  The 1st of October will also mark my first... how do you say.... measuring of my progress.  A lot of people on a weight loss journey get very discouraged by the number on the scale and become obsessed with it.  In an effort to avoid that, I'm only weighing myself once a month.  Yikes!  So it's pretty exciting, those couple of days.  It's also nice to be looking forward to this for once instead of dreading it!  I really hope that any of you reading this that are doing anything similar will talk with me about it.  I'd love to discuss and compare with you all!  How are we to get through this journey in our lives if not with the love and support of each other??


3.)  Let's talk about the Fall Festival.  Well I guess the technical wording is the "Annual Fair Grove Heritage Reunion."  Actually, let's not talk about it.  I don't go, and I'd prefer not to drive everyone crazy in giving the reasons why.  I don't want to offend anyone.  I'm glad so many people enjoy it.  Maybe I'll go again someday like when we were kids, but as for now.... I'm sticking with:

And honestly, I'm surprised more people don't feel this way about it.  Maybe I'm being a Debbie Downer, but surely SOMEONE understands, LOL.

Well, I guess I talked about it.


To end on a positive note... fall is here.  The glorious predecessor to WINTER and all of its delight.  The air feels so lovely and it's bringing with it some wonderful things... and maybe even some wonderful people.  Being happy in your life TRULY is a CONSCIOUS decision, but when the weather is beautiful and people are so pleasant... isn't it just that much easier?? :)  So grateful for Fall in the Ozarks.  It's a beautiful thing!

Have a great weekend all... I know I'm really looking forward to mine!  ;)


Friday, September 19, 2014

Top 10 Things Moms Daydream About but (almost) Never Happen

Hello there on this lovely Friday morning!  I am SO glad to see Friday this week.  It's been a little bit of a challenge for me!  It's easy to write about awesome things and positive things and when things are going greatly, but as I've struggled a little bit this week (as a mother and as a woman) I just wanted to give you all a little something to laugh at and hopefully relate to :)  I daydream so much.  That's probably why The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Scrubs are in my Top of All Time list.  So today I give you "The Things Moms Daydream About but (almost) Never Happen."

1.  Having clean clothes.

Far too much time spent praying just maybe one day a week we could go without evidence of cheesy fingers, partially chewed up foods, and serious snot being rubbed all over us.

2. Organizational Charts.

"That mom is so organized.  She really has it together.  I should make a chart.  That should get me closer to Mother-of-The-Year."  Come on moms, don't pretend you haven't wrote up a schedule or a chart for your family, and if you have, don't pretend that it ever lasted long-term. 

3. Cooking beautiful meals for your family.

Maybe a handful of times in a year's time... this goes as to plan, but more often than not, the meals are nothing commercial-worthy in appearance.

4. Family Vacations.

The planning!  The excitement! The looking forward to!  The time off work!  The quality time!  The bonding!  Cut to.... reality ^^^

5.  Getting up early to work out.

I work out almost every single day, BUT I'm still awaiting the day that I actually do it in the morning BEFORE the day starts.  You know.... that time I always set my alarm for. #nevaaaa

6.  Grocery shopping alone.

Who knew that the mini-vacation that is making a trip to WalMart without children would once be considered a sweet victory.  #luxuryyyyyyy

7.  Walking on debris-free floors.

And no, a Lego is NOT the only culprit.  Don't forget about Hot Wheels, action figures, and a crushed piece of Captain Crunch that sticks to your bare feet.

8.  Family Portraits.

The struggle is real to get the kind of photos you're dreaming about.  Try to consider how the future you will view these...

9.  Your children doing something after telling/asking them the FIRST TIME.

Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa.  That is all.

AND lastly....

10. Sleeping through the night.

Don't even try to play like you've never been there ^^^  YOU HAVE.  Truth is, your sleep will never EVER be the same.  We can still drift off wondering what it might be like though.

And there you have it.  Thanks for letting me share that.  Although I got a real kick out of putting this together, there's another truth in all of this.  These are the very things that light up our lives as parents and the things we will likely long for when our kids are grown.  Although the frustrations of parenting have gotten us down from time to time and will continue to do so throughout life, it's the little things like this that make life worth living, and I wouldn't change a second of it with my 2 handsome sweeties!!!!

Hope you enjoyed :)


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My first "Whatever I Want Wednesday"- SLEEP

Hey there pals!  How are you all doing on this gully-washer of a morning in The Ozarks?!  I only wish I could be at home right now to enjoy it and let it lul me right back to sleep.  That's what I wanted to talk about today- SLEEP!  In this case actually, the lack there of.  This is me today....

For over a year now, as many of you know, I've been getting up at 4am.  You might also know that that schedule has truly been a Godsend!  Contrary to popular belief, this was actually the time that me getting great sleep began.  Prior to that my sleep was spread so thin.  My oldest son started sleeping 12 hours per night (sometimes more) when he was just 1 month old.  I was so lucky and he was just... easy.  He DEFINITELY didn't prepare me for my little number 2 (hehe).  My little one has never been a good sleeper.  I honestly don't know if he's slept 12 hours at once his entire life! LOL!  He talks in his sleep, he wakes up a lot, he has nightmares often (just like his mommy) and he's an early bird.  The kid is just so full of energy and doesn't require much sleep.  Not until our schedule changed did I find a way to improve things.  We now are in bed by 745 most nights and asleep by 8.  This makes my baby's early rising not so early anymore.  When he sleeps until 6 or 7 on the weekends, it's like sleeping til 12 was when we were teenagers!  It's amazing.  So.  Now, all of that said, here is a typical day for me:

4am- wake up
520am- leave for school/work
6-230- work
3- pick up boys from school
330-530- workout/playtime
530- dinner
6-7- housework/ homework/playtime
7- get ready for bed
730- bedtime stories
8- snoozing

That all sounds pretty simple right?  Well even with the simplest of schedules comes stress.  I'm used to being stressed.  Come to think of it, being stressed out doesn't stress me out anymore!!! LOL.  (All you moms out there know exactly what lies within that statement.)  But every once in awhile, there are things that do keep us from sleeping.  Things that creep into the deepest corners of our minds and make themselves comfy there, knowing they're taking up the room that once allowed for peaceful rest.  95% of the time I am more than able to keep these things at bay, but lately they are taking over during the hours that most of us are sawing logs.  Between my horrendous nightmares (which discussing that will have to be in a different post entirely) and the prevalent thoughts of things I need to find a better way of dealing with, my sleep is lacking.  SO.

I just wanted to share that so I could share this.


I actually wrote sleep right up there, but changed it to well-rested.  I have been sleeping, just not nearly enough.  I can tell a difference in how I feel physically and also the level at which my brain is functioning.  The energy and motivation is lower too.  Maybe it's just a tired week?  Who knows.  What I want to know is... how do you make sure you're getting fully and well-rested at night? 

I'm a total morning person and proud of it for sure, so maybe that's why this is annoying me so :)

This was basically just me truly babbling, but I hope someone can relate to it.  If so, tell me about it!

Why?  Cuz this....

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hola, Monday!!!

Good morning, all! How are you all feeling this Monday morning? How about that weather this weekend? Truly amazing!!! The weekend altogether just felt so refreshing! The cold weather isn't for everyone, but to me there's nothing better than a brisk morning!

I just wanted to share how I will be doing this whole blog thing. For every day of the week, I'm going to have a different "theme" if you will. That said, I will not be posting every single day of every single week, but at least you will have an idea of what's to come or what you have to look forward to on which days. Blogs aren't for everyone, but if you ARE giving mine a chance, I'm open to any suggestions for any days!!! What do YOU want to read? What do you want to hear about? Momming, music, weightloss, exercise, humor, workouts, menus, recipes, kiddos, rants, raves- I'd love to know what any of you are thinking. This is what I have so far, and I'd love to get your input on any of the other days :)

Monday- "Monday Morning Motivation" (Just some general motivation for my dear friends cuz well, Monday mornings usually SUCK! LOL!)

Tuesday- "Tunes for Tuesday" (I'll be posting a favorite song of mine to share with all of you in hopes of your listening and sharing some of your own!  Anyone who knows me on a deep level knows how important this is.)

 Wednesday- "Whatever I Want" (just cuz I can :) )


Friday- "Day Dreams" (I am a serial daydreamer... maybe I'll share some of them.)

Saturday-"Self- Loving Saturday" (We can discuss some personal triumphs we have had in the given week.  This is something I want us to help each other through.  It truly is a journey, and embracing it together is the most beautiful part!) 

Sunday- "Single Mom Diaries" (This will be my sharing personal triumphs and struggles I have had as a proud single mother)

Are these totally lame-o? I need your help with the rest! It'd be greatly appreciated. I feel a little silly and weird having so much structure, haha.... BUT I think it's a good foundation to build on :)


-Whitney <3

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hey Self, Welcome Back!

Hello and good morning! Welcome to my blog...kinda the same, kinda different than the last time. Some might remember when I started one last year, devoted to giving myself a year to lose 100 lbs. Well, that was just crazy talk, and it fizzled out way too quickly. It's been 10 months since my last post now, and my, my, my. How life has changed!! That is why I am writing now. I am feeling so inspired! So 'this time' things are different.  Still on a weightloss journey, but the focus is not the same. I'm not giving myself any kind of time frame.  I am trying to become healthy emotionally and mentally in addition the the physical change. The journey is more about falling in love with your own soul and the true essence of who you really are. Now that that has begun,  life is changing right before my eyes. That said, I also wanted to be able to write about being a single mother. It's the greatest gift every bestowed upon me. (I can say that now, after uncountable moments of thinking, "Lord, what were you thinking?" Lol!) I am incredibly excited to be able to share some life moments and hope that you will find some kind of common ground, inspiration, or at least get a good laugh. Thank you for reading this first post.  The people God has blessed me with in my life truly enrich it on a daily basis. So let this be a start to something new and positive. Praying that this will be a testimony to those I love. God bless, Friends :)